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Technologies speeding up customer and property connections

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January 31st, 2023

The ways in which we do business are going through an evolution. Have you ever sat down and thought why this is?

Is it just that new real estate technologies have been created to speed up trade and business? Yes, quite simply and easily, the answer is yes. But why? The aims of businesses around the world are to bridge consumers to themselves, so there’s never a communication hiccup and or loss of information. Spreading across the world is a wave of consumer demand for more and more information readily available before they make a purchase.

When you’re better informed you make better decisions. That’s why technology is designed to be complex yet easily usable for professionals in all manner of industry.

At no other time in human history have we all been wealthier and have a better standard of living than right at this moment. More and more people are now looking to get on the property market. They want to start families and be surrounded by the best amenities, so their children are never starved of anything.

The property market has been, is, and always will be a prosperous industry that rakes in huge amounts of profit every single year. How has technology been implemented to help speed a purchase along?

Virtual viewing

Buying a home is incredibly laborious. It’s one of the biggest if not the biggest expense in our lives that we will go through.

Ranging from the hundreds of thousands of dollars to the millions, our home purchases are the single most stressful purchase. What if a home is too far away, but you’re still interested? What if you can’t make the journey on the one day that you’re free to go see if it’s a good as the pictures suggest? Real estate companies are now incorporating technology that was originally intended for the video game industry. VR which stands for virtual reality is making its way into the offices of real estate companies around the world.

What first happens is companies go to each home in their inventory and video record every room. It can be done in the traditional way by holding the video camera up at eye height, and opening each room door, and doing a brief tour counter or clockwise.

They can look up and down to get the seating, windows and walls and other things such as fireplaces in the shot. And back out the room they go. Or the use of a 360-degree camera is employed. Simply fix it atop a tripod and allow it to circulate the room, recording everything.

Oculus Rift is a virtual reality technology company that makes a combination headset, that you simply wear over your eyes and eyes. And through their video player, real estate agents load their videos, and the wearer experiences the record tour as if they themselves were in the home.

This allows people to experience each room, the garden, extensions, the basement, loft and garage without ever leaving the office or their own home.

3D vision planning

What if you could see your floorplans come to life in 3D? The issue with 2D floor plans is that everything on the paper is crowded and therefore a battle for space occurs.

Even though you might have an expert who has been modelling homes for many decades, their plans are difficult to understand for someone who has no knowledge of the business. No matter how much they explain, imagining it in your mind takes a fluid and formless to vision.

A company by the name of GeoSLAM has developed a technology that computerizes your floor plans and brings them to life in 3D. You can see all your measurements, sizes, spaces and flow of any room you want. By mapping the information you and the designers decide, the model itself will show you what your vision actually looks like.

So before you give the green light to your construction team, it’s in your best interest to see what works and what would cause issues. The handheld award-winning laser scanning technology addresses modern concerns such insulation and heat escape. Therefore you can visualize how modern practices would affect an old home which you’re renovating.

Real estate is an industry that must cater toward all kinds of demands from customers. One of them now being logistical flexibility. Not everyone can miss a day of work to come view a home after a long journey. So being able to step into the property they’re interested in, without having to go physically, can save them time and give them more of an opportunity to think it over.

Getting approved for a mortgage sitting at home at the dining table or laying on the sofa is another step forward to breaking needless processes.

Connecting customers to properties, they could potentially buy by the use of innovative technologies means the market is much more fluid and exciting. It also gives investors something to think about as properties that are being sold by companies that use such practices may not just sell quicker, but for a higher price too.