Home News Signs you’re working in a sinking ship

Signs you’re working in a sinking ship

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January 31st, 2023

Those who can leave will leave

It might be the case that others have seen the warning signs before you have. Often, they might be a little higher up in the food chain and privy to the red flags of the business in trouble before you are. When these people start leaving, it might signal the beginning of a dramatic spike in employee turnover, where people keep leaving and new replacements are found.

As shows, this can negatively impact the business in a huge variety of ways. Management styles could vary regularly, team morale and company culture can go down the drain, and it could be a major drain on employer finances to the point that it spreads into payroll trouble.

So, if your employer is in trouble, what do you do? Start updating that resume, putting aside extra cash for a short-term emergency fund, and get looking on the job market.

You don’t have to quit immediately, but you should be actively looking for a new place to work so that you won’t land quite as hard as some of your coworkers might.