Home News Making your products more attractive to the average consumer

Making your products more attractive to the average consumer

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January 31st, 2023

These days, consumers are a lot more savvy about the products they purchase. This is thanks to the internet helping them make purchase decisions via reviews, influencers and general research. As a result, it can be difficult to make your product attractive if there are other alternatives available that have been backed by expensive marketing campaigns.

However, consumer behaviour and the tendency to research before making a purchase can actually be used to your advantage. So here are a couple of ways to make your products more attractive to the average consumer.

Make a good first impression

Whether it’s your website or a retail store, make absolutely sure that you’re establishing a good first impression for your audience. For a website, make sure that your site is accessible on both desktop and mobile, and ensure that you’re taking the time to create an easy-to-use and elegant website. If you own a physical store, then make sure the interior and exterior of your store are presentable and create a welcoming atmosphere by engaging with your customers in a friendly manner.

An accessible website with simple navigation

If you have a website with your products available for sale, make sure you design it to be simple to navigate. There are far too many websites with terrible navigation which results in a poor browsing experience. If products are hard to find or a website is frustrating to use, it will quickly put off your customers and they’ll look elsewhere.

Offering more payment methods

One of the best ways to ensure that you’re attracting more consumers is to offer more payment methods. Whether it’s credit card payments, cash on collection or even cryptocurrency, it’s important to make use of merchant services to offer a wide range of different payment methods. This is a crucial component of any store that wants to reach a wider audience.

Take flattering photographs

You should absolutely invest in proper photography services if you have a lot of different products to showcase on your website. Using stock photography of your product (if you’re an eCommerce business) is a bad idea as it’s very easy to tell if you’re being lazy or not. By taking flattering photographs, you can demonstrate how a product is used, its ideal use case and other information that is subtle but ultimately assists in your customer’s purchase decision.

Offer meaningful information in product descriptions

Simply describing what your audience sees in the photographs isn’t enough. Make sure you offer as much information as you can and write amazing product descriptions. You should be including technical information when appropriate, such as the specs of a computer or the types of gems used in a ring.

Give your customers helpful content

As a business offering products and services, it’s your responsibility to ensure that your customers know how to use the things you’re selling. This is why it’s important to make videos, guides and articles that can assist your customers in using whatever it is they’re purchasing. This makes complicated or niche products more likely to sell, and the support you offer goes a long way in convincing customers to pick you over a competitor.