Home News Going remote? Here are five tips to get ready for this career move

Going remote? Here are five tips to get ready for this career move

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January 31st, 2023

Over the past months, the benefits of working remotely have become obvious. By going remote, you can save money, increase your productivity level, find a better work-life balance, and spend more time with your family and loved ones.

However, there are many ways to go remote. Of course, you could work from home and pop into the office once or twice a week to make the most of your employee benefits.

Or, you could take it in another direction and become one of those much-envied professionals that are today’s digital nomad. Whatever suits your style best, there are some important tips to keep in mind to get ready for this change in your lifestyle and career. 

Dedicate Some Space to Your Home Office

If you have opted to work from your home, you might have made do over the past months with a coroner in your living room.

Sure, a chair, a table, and a plain background are all you need to work. However, to really give your best on the job, be more productive, and give space to the right ideas, you should consider investing in a dedicated workspace.

Each person has different needs, but there are some specs that your home office should have – such as plenty of fresh air and natural light, silence, and inspiring features. 

Invest in High-Speed Internet

High-speed internet options such as CenturyLink internet are vital if you wish to work from home. These types of connections allow you to multitask and not lose precious time with slow-loading internet pages.

If you have opted to embrace a digital nomad lifestyle, you should look for high-speed internet connection in cafes and coworking spaces. Looking for these sites might take time, but nothing can replace a perfectly working internet connection!

Look Out for the Right Community

Whether you work from home or from a hotel in an exotic country, don’t underestimate the power of a vibrant and supportive community.

When looking for the right location to work from, make sure you have checked out the local community – cafes with free high-speed WiFi and plenty of coworking spaces are some of the signs you should look out for!

Keep a Strict Schedule

Whether you were used to shifts or nine-to-five schedules, it can be difficult to transition into a much freer working-from-home schedule.

At the same time, without the right schedule, boundaries, and work times, it is easy to mix up your personal and working time. In turn, this can affect your work-life balance, ability to focus, and stress levels. 

Oppositely, thanks to the right routine, you can structure your day and ensure that you have plenty of time for exercising, socializing, and looking after your own well-being. 

Don’t Skimp on Tech

If there is something you need when working from home is tech devices. Laptops, phones, printers, WiFi extenders, and cameras are no longer a “nice-to-have”. Instead, they are now important items you need to make the most out of your day at work. Just make sure to invest in the right tech and learn what tax relief options you have to keep overhead costs low.