Home News Fourteen smart ways to increase business efficiency

Fourteen smart ways to increase business efficiency

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January 31st, 2023

The business environment is growing more and more competitive, meaning you must have excellent planning and organizational skills and be flexible.

One of the mistakes business owners make is to capitalize on quantity instead of quality when providing products or services. Efficiency in a business means maximizing outputs from the inputs while making the most out of your resources.

When you start a business, one of the areas you must focus on from the get-go is increasing efficiency. Here are a few clever ways to make that possible.

Update technology

Technology plays a vital role in ensuring efficiency in your business; it helps you get quality work done fast. When you observe your office space, what kind of technology are your employees using? Are they typing on obsolete, ten-year-old computers? Outdated technology could be the loophole that you need to seal to get your business running efficiently.

At first, updating technology in the workplace will seem expensive, but it will pay off in the end. The primary factor for efficiency and productivity in business is speed, replacing old monitors and periodically updating software. You can upgrade the entire system after six months or do simple RAM, and hard drive boosts.

Boost an open communication culture

Hierarchy systems of communication are essential but sometimes can be hindrances to efficiency and productivity.

Individuals in the business have a lot of creative and innovative ideas. However, if there’s no open communication, they remain unheard, and the company stands to lose.

Encourage employees in your business to have an open communication culture where they speak freely with anyone.

This way, there will be collaboration and quick feedback between departments as well as the staff and management. Additionally, open communication boosts positive morale and teamwork, hence efficiency.

Exercise positive reinforcement

Employees work hard to support the growth of your business; positive reinforcement goes a long way in making them feel valued and appreciated.

Practice telling employees they’re performing their jobs well and sometimes give constructive criticism. Be a motivator, encourager, and set an excellent example for them.

Most importantly, when an employee does a good job, applaud and reward them in front of other employees to motivate them and indicate their success.

You can offer personal incentives, such as free lunch out or a paid vacation.

When you do so, employees tend to work harder to receive recognition and rewards, boosting efficiency.

Reduce distractions

Many possible distractions in the workplace can hinder you and your employees from working efficiently.

One such distraction is social media; it takes up a lot of time that you could otherwise use to do something constructive.

Every minute counts in business; time is money.

Although social media is an excellent tool in marketing, it can be a giant morale killer when used in the wrong way and at the wrong time.

Instead of incorporating a no-phones policy, try to keep employees engaged and focused on tasks and give them breaks in between the day. When performing tasks, encourage them to turn off phones until they’re through or when it’s break time.


Running a business can tempt you to wear all the hats, but this prevents you from achieving maximum productivity and efficiency. Although delegating tasks comes with its risks, your business can benefit significantly from skills brought by new employees.

Hire qualified employees and give them responsibilities where their skills lie. Additionally, avoid micro-managing them; instead, give employees responsibilities and trust them to perform their tasks properly. If you give employees a chance to grow their leadership and skills in the business, they gain a sense of direction and achievement, hence working towards being more productive.

Have a solid online presence

The world is now interconnected; don’t let your business get left behind. Running a business efficiently requires you to have an impressive online portfolio and an engaging one, for that matter. You’d be surprised at the extent to which having a website with quality content and user-friendly design can go to increasing your productivity. Similarly, have social media pages and post engaging content as well as communicate with customers online. Ensure that you have visible contact information on all platforms and have individuals, say social media managers and customer care, ready to take action to increase your visibility.

Embrace change

Complacency in business is a dangerous epidemic, especially if it’s top-down. The world in general and business trends in the industry change frequently; the same old strategies do not work when there is change. If you remain stagnant, competition will pass you, and you will end up falling when you’re faced with challenges, such as demand changes, competitors, and economic trends.

As a business owner, you must be open to making changes now and then; this can be in your ideas, strategies, products, and services. Also, encourage your employees to be creative and innovative to fill the gaps brought by change.

Automate processes

Technology nowadays aims at reducing the time you spend on manual tasks, ultimately increasing efficiency. The latest technology, such as chatbots, can automate various processes in the workplace.

For instance, if you’re using email marketing to send promotional messages to clients or respond to them, you can curate one message and have it sent automatically. Similarly, a live chatbot can respond to customers’ questions 24/7 instead of leaving them hanging if you have a website. By automating processes, you save time and utilize it to handle other core tasks that uplift your business’s efficiency.

Hold daily meetings

Team meetings, also known as scrums or huddles, are essential in improving business efficiency and productivity. During these short meetings, aim at having everyone in attendance; it reduces chances of frequent interruptions. Use this time to keep employees updated on the tasks to work on, individuals who need help, those who have free time, and answer questions posed by team members. Although physical meetings are most effective, if you have team members working remotely, primarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic, try virtual meetings.

Incorporate digital tools for product demand prediction

Predicting the demand for your products/services is crucial for planning and strategizing in business. However, many companies still rely on Excel workbooks for such predictions, ultimately hindering their efficiency. It causes errors in the process that result in inaccurate estimates leading to purchasing excess inventory. In the long run, you make losses after discarding the excess at lower prices.

Fortunately, you can get a Six Sigma Certification and learn how to analyze statistical data. This way, you can improve processes and use real-time demand to plan and sense data for accurate inventory. For instance, you can use real-time data from web traffic and search engine queries to predict future customer demands for your products/services.

Encourage single-task performance

Many individuals think that multi-tasking gets more work done effectively. However, multi-tasking doesn’t always mean being productive or efficient; in fact, it reduces output quality because tasks aren’t given the attention they need. Single-tasking, on the other hand, allows individuals to focus on one task until its completion. The work is done fast, the output is of high quality, and you prevent leaving projects to expire before they’re complete.

Set realistic goals

One of the common problems many business owners and managers face is the lack of clear goals and objectives. Realistic goals are essential to measuring employee performance and analyzing areas that aren’t working effectively.

Realistic goals, whether short-term or long-term, should be attainable; otherwise, you and the employees end up getting burned out due to overworking or being frustrated when you fail. Similarly, you may end up underperforming and missing out on opportunities. Ensure all employees contribute to setting goals and be aware of them; this way, they work efficiently towards achieving them.

Manage time

Time management in the workplace enables you and your employees to track progress, minimize distractions, and improve focus.

Use time management tools or establish a smart time management system to help you structure your day and tasks and prevent underperforming chances. Time management equally allows you to prioritize pressing tasks that require more effort and time to avoid doing haphazard work. By integrating digital software like time tracking software, you save valuable time and streamline workflow in the business.

Give support

Employees are assets to your business; they are responsible for making things run smoothly. Just like other individuals, employees have needs in and out of the workplace. Giving them support in the form of incentives, end-of-month bonuses, health insurance, and allowing leave days goes a long way in helping them achieve a work-life balance. Giving support also ensures that their other needs, such as mental health, are met and promote business efficiency. Listen to your employee’s needs and suggestions; it lets them know you care and value them.

Starting a business is one thing, and running it until it gets a stable footing is another. Although there are many challenges to conquer, you can build a successful business by increasing its efficiency with the above smart ways.

Support your employees, hold regular meetings, update technology, and set realistic goals. Similarly, delegate, reduce distractions, automate processes, and boost a culture of open communication for efficiency.