Home News Does your office need a new lease on life?

Does your office need a new lease on life?

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January 31st, 2023

Is your office starting to look well past its best? Does it need a whole new lease of life injected into it? Many employers put off refurbishing their office spaces because let’s face it, it is not the cheapest thing in the world to do, but the benefits that it can bring are almost always worth the investment. Not sure if you should be refurbishing? These are some of the signs that you should be looking out for.

The health, safety, and comfort of your employees are at risk

Concerns around the health and safety of your employees and anyone else on your site are probably the most important reason for upgrading and refurbishing your office. The last thing that you want is for anyone who works for you to get injured or to be made unwell by the environment that they work with. Whether it is damaged flooring that needs replacing with high-quality solid wood flooring, or windows that do not open or close properly, you need to make sure that your office is healthy, safe, and comfortable for everyone who enters it. 

It is looking a little grubby

Even the best cleaning team in the world can’t stop age-related marks and some stains from appearing. Desks and surfaces have pen marks and coffee rings that eventually cannot be scrubbed away, floors become marked and scratched. Furniture becomes grubby and walls get fingerprints and scrapes on them. There’s only so far cleaning will go – so when it starts looking tatty, it is time to think about a refurbishment.

It looks cramped and cluttered

The best way to combat clutter is to get rid of it all, but you may also be able to rearrange the shape and layout of your office to make better use of the available space. You could also invest in additional storage for documents and tools, or even think about using cloud storage solutions and go paperless. That will have many more benefits aside from making your office look smarter and more professional.

It looks and feels old fashioned and outdated

As a company, you want to be seen as innovative and moving with the times, so if your business premises are not reflecting that, it is definitely time to give it a new lease of life. If your decor and furniture is straight out of the ‘70s, bring it into the 2020s pronto!

Everyone needs a morale boost

A renovation can boost your and your employees’ morale significantly. Sometimes a change of environment is all we need to get back to work productively. You may also be able to use color, artwork, and lighting to make your office a more pleasant and healthier place to work.

Your office no longer reflects your brand

We mentioned this above, but your office should reflect who you are as a brand. If you are a modern tech start-up, working somewhere chintzy and stuffy is not necessarily going to show people what you are about. Sometimes, it can be simple as a lick of paint, other times a whole renovation is required.