Home News Creative business development strategies for architects and designers

Creative business development strategies for architects and designers

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January 31st, 2023

If you work in design and architecture or want to be working in that industry, then it doesn’t matter whether you work for a large firm or are doing it solo; you need to make a plan for your business.

The same goes for any business, but it can be especially important as an architect as it will be a structure for you to get new business. Because most effective business relationships are as a result of the time spent beforehand before any partnership is announced. Which just emphasizes how important planning your strategy is.

So here are some strategies to help improve your business development and get you ahead of your competitors. The more you excel, the more clients you are likely to get.

Identify an ideal project

If you have a vision of an ideal project in your mind, then you can start from there and then work backwards. So what are your ideal projects or the people that you need in the firm to help you to do that? Once you have thought about that, then how can you meet the people that could help the deal project happen?

Networking and getting in touch online can be a great way to get in touch or meet them. It does require some legwork, but when you make it part of your business plan, it will help you to achieve.

Follow up

Like any business where you offer a service, give a quote, and wait to hear back, you need to follow up on any potential leads that you might have. If you had out business cards or do a swap for others, then get in touch with them and follow up.

The needs to happen to people who have emailed or other people you have met at events. Follow up and use things like MailChimp to send out newsletters and offers.

Collaborate with others

If you are able to work with influencers or other businesses in a collaboration, then it can work wonders for your business.

Say a local firm is expanding and needs a new office, could you offer to work with them in exchange for a discount and some word-of-mouth advertising, for instance? You could look for local suppliers to collaborate with on projects too, such as a company that makes aluminium canopies for offices or storefronts, as well as carpeting and furnishing brands.

Reach out and you’ll be surprised how many companies would like to team up on a project, especially if it is for a good cause.

Grow and online presence

If you don’t fancy speaking at events too often, then one of the best things your business can be doing is to grow a presence online. You can reach large audiences and get the attention of people from all around the world when you’re online.

Share projects, time-lapse videos, the design process, as well as before and afters for projects that you have designed. Share stunning images on Instagram or connect with others in the industry on Twitter. A website and a blog is a must too, as that can help you to be found by a search engine search much more easily.