Home News Butterfly Protocol Announces New Program to Allow Full Blockchain Top-Level Domain Sponsorship and Control

Butterfly Protocol Announces New Program to Allow Full Blockchain Top-Level Domain Sponsorship and Control

Staff Writer
Staff Writer
January 31st, 2023

Butterfly Protocol, the blockchain-based web naming system built for the decentralized Internet, is opening up additional sponsorship options for top-level domains (TLDs), allowing anyone to create and totally control their own decentralized, token-powered ecosystem. This move complements the original sponsorship option where TLDs can be sponsored and are controlled by the common governance contract.

The movement to a decentralized web has been accelerating recently due to highly visible censoring such as Facebook’s ban on allowing Donald Trump access to posting, the takedown of the Parler social media app and the continuing restrictions on free speech by authoritarian governments. Blockchain domain systems such as Unstoppable Domains, Handshake and ENS have been paving the way for making the decentralized and distributed web accessible and Butterfly is taking that access to a new level, the company said.

As opposed to the existing platforms, Butterfly allows for the sponsorship of practically any TLD. Rather than being stuck in the confines of .crypto or .eth as TLDs, sponsors can create their own such as .token, .defi or even .trump, .biden, or .obama. As a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), Butterfly does not limit the community to what can be created but there are measures being initiated soon to discourage the use of existing TLDs from other sources and those that are clearly trademarked.

The process to sponsor TLDs can come in two forms. The light version where anyone can go to the domain panel and contribute approximately 9000 BFLY tokens to initiate the creation. Or the custom option where it requires 100,000 BFLY tokens for complete control of that TLD’s domain environment. For custom requests, Butterfly support works directly with the sponsor for the creation of the TLD and the subTokens associated with that name.