Home News 7 tips you need to know for writing an influential crowdfunding proposal

7 tips you need to know for writing an influential crowdfunding proposal

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January 31st, 2023

So you’ve decided your business or your next personal project needs some funding. You’ve got the ideas and the drive in place to make it happen, but all you need now is the money. One of the better approaches you can take, rather than taking out a bank loan, is to opt for crowdfunding.

When you’re setting up your crowdfunding page, whether that’s on a crowdfunding platform like Kickstarter, or even on your social media pages or website, the description, or pitch, that you’ll need to include could be the only form of communication you have with your readers, so you’ll need to make sure that it counts and gets people excited about your idea.

Today, we’re going to explore seven tips you need to know in order to write a captivating description that will get the readers engaged with your idea and optimistic about donating to your cause.

#1 – Master the headline

The first thing every single one of your readers is going to see in your crowdfunding pitch is the headline of your post or page. It doesn’t matter if the content you’ve written in your pitch is perfect, if your headline fails to catch their attention, they won’t read on and you’ll have missed out on your donation opportunity.

Master the art of writing headlines, so they stand out from the crowd. Make sure that they contain a benefit to the reader to want to click on it, perhaps even a question that gets them thinking and yearning to learn more. If you’re stuck for ideas, you can try using headline generators like Academadvisor or Assignment help.

#2 – Write fluently

It’s easy to stick together 500 words of content and believe that it’s good enough, but if you really want to make an impact in your readers, you’ll need to make sure that your content flows nicely and reads well.

This means editing your content and making sure your writing style is perfectly matched to the branding of your business. There are many sources of writing guides online, such as State of Writing, that can help you to improve your general technique, or you could use professional editing tools like Essayroo.

#3 – Be approachable

Nobody is going to want to connect and give their money to a cause that seems blunt or not like the sort of company that looks like they know what they’re doing or what their customers want. Make sure that your content has a friendly and approachable tone to it.

If you’re blunt and incredibly formal, your readers simply won’t connect to the message you’re trying to send, and you won’t be able to achieve any funding for your project.

#4 – Keep things short & sweet

Not everybody is going to have time to read thousands and thousands of words about why they should donate their money to your cause. In fact, pretty much none of them are; a human’s attention span is now considered less than a goldfish.

Make sure that you’re keeping your content short and straight to the point. Most readers will already have the intention of donating if they’ve clicked on your headline, so there’s no reason to beat around the bush. You can track your word count with tools like Easy Word Count or Ukwritings.

#5 – Add a drop of encouragement

Sometimes, all a reader is going to need in order to make a donation to your project is a bit of encouragement or a nudge in the right direction. There are multiple ways you can do. One of the most popular is offering an incentive at every level of donation, such as free pre-ordering or a discount code off the final product.

If this is something you don’t want to do, you can always try adding a line of text that reads somewhere along the lines of stating that every donation will make a huge difference in the project. If you’re adding citations from people involved in your project, use tools like Cite It In to do so professionally.

#6 – Emphasis: accuracy

If someone is reading through your content and they find it’s littered with mistakes and typos, they’ll seriously doubt the legitimacy of your business and idea, and it will damage your reputation. Instead, be sure to check your content to make sure it has been written to the highest quality.

To help you check this content, you can use proofreading tools like Boomessays, as recommended by the HuffPost ‘Write my paper’ article, or grammar checker tools like Grammarix.

#7 – Create a sense of urgency

A reader may be reading your content but could decide to go away and have a think about it, perhaps returning at a later date to make a donation. However, more times than not, this will result in them never coming back.

Create a sense of urgency in your content by perhaps giving them a time-frame, making it far more likely that they’ll donate then and there.


As you can see, there are many things to remember when it comes to writing a persuasive crowdfunding pitch for your readers. By implementing all the points above, you can almost guarantee that you’ll reach your targets and get your product off to the best start.