Home News Company riding on crypto lords’ tailcoats auctions biggest-ever tungsten cube as NFT on OpenSea

Company riding on crypto lords’ tailcoats auctions biggest-ever tungsten cube as NFT on OpenSea

Daniela Kirova
Daniela Kirova
Daniela Kirova
Daniela Kirova
Daniela is a writer at Bankless Times, covering the latest news on the cryptocurrency market and blockchain industry. She has over 15 years of experience as a writer, having ghostwritten for several online publications in the financial sector.
January 31st, 2023

Midwest Tungsten Service, a company supplying raw tungsten, alloys, molybdenum and tantalum in all forms, is selling the biggest tungsten cube it has ever made as an NFT on the marketplace OpenSea after crypto meme lords went crazy over the material on Twitter. The cube is 14 inches in size and weighs 1,784 pounds.

The auction will take place in Willowbrook, Illinois, USA. OpenSea will start accepting bids today, Friday, October 22, 2021, e-commerce director Sean Murray told CoinDesk. The winner will have the right to visit the cube once a year according to the description on OpenSea.

The latest twist in the meme saga

The tungsten cube NFT is the latest plot twist in the metals manufacturer’s interesting history. The humble Midwestern company has transformed into a social media star because of the fame crypto community members brought its extremely dense cubes. Not only tweeters, but also crypto brokers, traders, investors, and journalists have been buying cubes for eye-opening amounts of money.

Midwest Tungsten will store the 14-inch cube at its head office out of necessity. According to Murray, his company had been considering manufacturing an extremely heavy cube, but wasn’t sure how to deal with its transportation. He had promised the company would stay focused on the metals rather than branching out into NFTs. However, the situation isn’t the same after a week of skyrocketing sales. Tungsten cubes have become a thing.

I wanted to let you know first that we’re going to try an NFT. Swerving out of our lane, I guess. The crypto twitter community’s enthusiasm for cryptocurrency and NFTs is contagious.

As Bankless Times reported last week, Tungsten Midwest saw 300% sales growth after a crypto joke on Twitter. Nobody is laughing at the joke now, which was along the lines of crypto being to blame for tungsten shortage. 

Dan Matuszewski of CMS Holdings tweeted that he had bought a four-inch cube weighing 41 pounds from Midwest Tungsten for $3,000. Soon after that, Coin Center’s Neeraj Agrawal tweeted a fake Bloomberg post about tungsten. The meme soon went viral. Agrawal said:  

I will take credit a little bit for the recent surge. I think it triggered to the rest of Crypto Twitter that, like, ‘Alright, we’re doing something now. We’re doing a thing. We’re all buying these cubes.’


Daniela Kirova
Daniela is a writer at Bankless Times, covering the latest news on the cryptocurrency market and blockchain industry. She has over 15 years of experience as a writer, having ghostwritten for several online publications in the financial sector.