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Workplace Productivity Roadblocks and How to Overcome Them Through Digitization

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January 31st, 2023

Every day in our offices, we ask our support staff to adopt the emerging technologies and maintain their productivity. However, answering emails and scheduling meetings can become pretty hectic. As a result, the helpful technology results in stress and negative productivity only.

In this case, the real reason for less productivity was neither technology nor your daily work. The most crucial factor here was the stage of adopting these technologies. But, what else can we do, and what are those common barriers? Let’s find them out:

First Productivity Barrier: Lack of Communication

A lack of appropriate communication levels can initiate the failure of a startup, but all you’ll hear is “everything is fine”. Moreover, the lack of communication between the employees and the management is one of the most common productivity barriers in any workplace.

Thus, if there’s no discussion about the performance or current issues, you indeed have to check your productivity levels. Remember that having no proper baseline of communication can result in demoralized workers too.

Second Productivity Barrier: Lack of Training

Indeed, a newly hired staff person cannot become skilled in every aspect of their regular work. As a result, many common mistakes will undoubtedly happen, resulting in lowering your workplace’s productivity. Moreover, if you’re ignoring any training process entirely, then indeed, your workplace will suffer from negative productivity.

Now, as an employer, it’s your job to make sure that your support staff is rightly trained. Thus, you must ensure that these training courses are created according to your requirements.

How to overcome the lack of communication?

As we mentioned above, the lack of communication can hurt your workplace’s productivity. But, if you’re determined to achieve better productivity, then choose the right communication resources.

Many applications, such as Slack, and Microsoft Teams can deliver your staff’s key messages. Moreover, these resources also create a trust link where you can show that you care enough about your employees.

How to overcome the lack of training?

Do you know that most of today’s startups usually involve a five to six hours training process only? As a result, they’re ignoring the importance of training facilities and experiencing less productivity. But, if you’re looking for better results, then make sure to remember the following things:

  • Optimize your training programs according to your workplace’s needs only.
  • Remember the training process should remain beneficial for both employee and employer as well.
  • Motivate your staff to progress through their job and then train them again for further opportunities.

How to overcome the efficiency?

The lack of efficiency is one of the most common yet very challenging productivity barriers. Moreover, many additional issues like the workplace’s environment and overall work stress can also negatively affect productivity. Thus, as an employer, you must talk to your staff and understand their priorities.

Also, make sure you’re using different time management software or plugins for your systems. For instance, you can ask any web development company to enable your site’s backend with time management plugins. If you want to expand internationally, check RocketG to expand globally.

Lastly, work stress can affect your workplace’s productivity pretty harshly. So, you have to do everything possible to encourage your workforce. It would be a good idea to even allow your workers to change their working environment from time to time, instead of being stuck in a traditional office. For example, if you happen to be in Texas, try coworking spaces in Houston where your employees can thrive. 

Moreover, always remember that regular reviews can inspire your support staff massively. Do not set unachievable goals for them, and make sure you’re praising them enough for their everyday work.

Bottom Line

All in all, we all understand that maintaining productivity levels at any workplace is challenging. But if done correctly, then surely you’ll be able to achieve a higher success rate.

If your workplace is suffering from a lack of communication, then create a baseline first. Make sure you’re choosing the right resources of communication. Remember, applications like Slack can improve the overall communication and show trust between management and employees.

As we talk about the lack of training, make sure you’re offering an optimized training program. Do not ignore its importance and make sure to always train your workers for further opportunities.

Lastly, deal with the workplace’s stress efficiently and make your employees feel important. Moreover, make sure you’re reviewing their performances and using the right resources to judge them. Once you’ve taken care of all these factors, then indeed you’ll have a highly productive workplace with many happy employees.