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How to Recruit People Who Will Fit Well in A Self-Organized Team

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January 31st, 2023

When you are hiring people for job positions in your organization, you make sure to check their qualifications and skills to be sure they are the right fit for the job. You do not want to hire incompetent hands, so their qualifications matter a lot. Getting people who are qualified or overqualified to fit a job role can be quite easy. After screening through applications to find the candidates whose applications were impressive, you can conduct an interview over the phone or by doing video calls. After the interview, successful candidates are hired and placed on probation where old workers can teach them the work process and superiors can monitor them to know if they can handle the job or not. 

However, if you want to build a self-organized team, you need to hire people who already know what to do and will be able to work effectively with little or no supervision. So, during the hiring process for recruiting a self-organized team, you have to make sure that the candidates are not just qualified but that their qualifications align with your company’s scope of work. Here are five ways in which you can hire such people.

1.      Define Your Company’s Values

Building a self-organized team requires you define what your company stands for and what it stands against. You need to have a mission statement you will use to evaluate candidates you will consider to be a part of your self-organized team. Google’s core value is ”do the right thing” so when recruiting staff for their team, Google will look out for people who will do the right thing irrespective of how tough the situation might be. Members of your team need to be people who share the same culture with your company and can exhibit this culture in the way they carry out work activities. They must exhibit these values in their relationship with customers and co-workers.

2.      Let your Job Posting Stand Out

When you are sending out job adverts to recruit people for a self-organized team, allow the job description to do some screening for you. Do not write like other companies in your niche will do, you need to create specific job descriptions that will describe the exact kind of people that you need on this team and the qualification or experience that you need from them. Just like you are looking for specific people, your job advert needs to be specific enough to attract qualified candidates and compelling enough for them to consider leaving their current workplace to come and work for your company.

3.      Pick Your Candidates

After sending out job adverts, you will begin to receive applications from people who think they are qualified. It is normal to find applicants who do not meet the job description. Such people just want to try their luck with the hope the company will overlook their shortcomings and consider them for the job. The first thing to do is to remove these people who do not meet the qualifications. This will help you to narrow down the number of qualified applicants for the self-organized team. If you want to hire remote workers, you can follow the same process, or you can outsource the hiring to professional employment organizations or global PEO. These organizations will help you to advertise the job opening, select through applicants, and interview the selected applicants. They will ensure you get the best candidates to make up your self-organized team.

4.      Invite the Candidates

After selecting candidates that submitted outstanding applications, the next step is to bring them in and interview them. Bringing the candidates in will allow you to interview them to know the ones that agree with your company’s culture. It also allows the candidates to decide whether or not they can work with you. The interview will allow both parties to meet each other and determine if working together will be possible or not. The candidates can get to see existing members of the self-organized, ask questions, and determine if working with them will be feasible.

5.      Be Fair

If you want to get the best candidate to join your team, you need to learn to look beyond their physical appearances, religion, race, and other things that will not affect the service that the candidate will be rendering the company. You have to do away with hiring bias like not giving people a chance to sell themselves because your mind does not like them. Remember they will be working for the growth of the company and not for your personal growth. Ask professional questions and judge them based on their answers.

Final word 

After the hiring process, you will have to let some people go. Make sure that you do not hurt their self-esteem with rude comments. Do not tell candidates that they are not qualified,